Padua. A city of the north with 215,000 inhabitants which has one of the best and internationally recognized universities.

A beautiful city with excellent living conditions and very nice architecture.

The University of Padua was founded in 1222 initially to meet the need to study law and in the process began to create other schools such as medicine which was inaugurated in 1399.

For many years the Italian-speaking medical school of the University of Padua held the scepter in the Medical School and stood out for its high level of teaching.

Recently, in 2019, the University of Padua decided to establish an English-speaking medical school.

The English-speaking medical school of the University of Padua offers a total of 48 places for European Union students and 9 for non-EU students.

The degree in Medicine and Surgery aims to raise the international profile of the medical doctor by utilizing internationally validated teaching methods and a gradual approach to clinical practice beginning in the first year.

 The degree in Medicine and Surgery aims to train a doctor with a holistic view of the human being, focusing on health promotion, preventive medicine, and global health.

The University’s worldwide missions are supported by a large and vibrant international community of staff, students and alumni.

The university is a member of prestigious international networks, and its research and teaching projects include lecturers from around the world. Internationalized curricula and numerous studies abroad opportunities are available to students.

Admission to the English-language Medical School in Padua is through the International Medical Admissions Test– IMAT, a 60 multiple-choice test in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, General Knowledge and Logic. The IMAT exams are held every year in September in several examination centers around the world, including Athens and Nicosia.

Students have access to various types of accommodation such as rooms, apartments, campuses and private accommodation.

Students can eat in the student clubs - mense universitarie - where the meals are very low priced.

Tuition at the University of Padua is based on the student's annual family income and assets.

A magnificent city, an excellent university and a state-of-the-art medical school make English-speaking medicine in Padua one of the first choice of prospective students.






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